- info@epsilonelektronik.com
- +90 212 219 56 57
- +90 212 219 4288

Detectors for Relative and Absolute Dosimetry
IBA Dosimetry offers a full range of ionization chambers and pSi semiconductor detectors for various 2D and 3D water phantom systems and solid phantoms. All detectors are from our in-house production and have been extensively tested to meet the highest criteria in radiotherapy dosimetry.
Compact Air Ionization Chambers
All compact chambers are designed for measurements with high reproducibility in air, solid, or water phantoms. They are suitable for relative dosimetry of photon, electron and proton fields in radiotherapy.
Waterproof | Vented trough waterproof sleeve | Fully guarded | High uniform spatial resolution | Used for radial and axial beam incidence | |
CC04 | ■ | ■ | ■ | ■ | |
CC08 | ■ | ■ | ■ | ■ | |
CC13 | ■ | ■ | ■ | ■ | |
CC13-S | ■ | ■ | ■ | ■ | |
CC25 | ■ | ■ | ■ |
RAZOR Nano Chamber (Smallest available Ionization Chamber for Small Field Dosimetry worldwide)
Worldwide smallest available high-performance ionization chamber
The RAZOR™ Nano Chamber, with its smallest volume in the market and high performance physics characteristics, is a unique ionization chamber solution for Small Field Dosimetry.
- Cavity volume of 0.003 ccm
- Central electrode material: graphite
- For Photon and Electron beams in RT
RAZOR Chamber (Compact Air Ionization Chamber for Relative and Absolute Dosimetry)
Compact Air Ionization Chamber
The RAZOR™ Chamber is a compact chamber for measurements of small fields and of ranges with high dose gradients, such as stereotactic fields. It is suitable for Relative Dosimetry of photon and electron fields in radiotherapy.
- High Performance Air Ionization Chamber for Relative and Absolute Dosimetry
- Suitable for Relative Dosimetry of photon and electron fields in radiotherapy
- The RazorTM chamber is a compact chamber for measurements of small fields and of ranges with high dose gradients, e.g. stereotactic fields
CC04 Ionization Chamber (Small fields and high dose gradients measurements)
Conventional ionization chamber for measurements of small fields
The CC04 is the conventional ionization chamber for measurements of small fields and ranges with high dose gradients, e.g. stereotactic fields. CC04 is intended for absolute and relative dosimetry of photon, electron, and proton beams in radiotherapy. Measurements can be performed in air, water phantoms, or solid phantoms. CC04 is a high spatial resolution, small volume chamber. It is waterproof, vented through a waterproof sleeve, and fully guarded.
CC08 Ionization chamber (Used for customized applications)
High spatial resolution, small volume chamber
CC08 is used for customized applications during manufacturing and installation of linear accelerators (e.g. “Buddelship”).
The CC08 is a high spatial resolution, small volume chamber. It is waterproof, vented through a waterproof sleeve, and fully guarded.
CC13 Ionization Chamber (Standard chamber for clinical use)
Standard chamber for clinical use in water phantoms
CC13 is the standard chamber for clinical use in water phantoms and for measurements of output factors. The ionization chamber CC13 is intended for absolute and relative dosimetry of photon, electron, and proton beams in radiotherapy. Measurements can be performed in air, water phantoms, or solid phantoms.
CC13-S Ionization Chamber (Ionization chamber for RFA phantoms)
CC13-S is intended for relative dosimetry of photon, electron, and proton beams
The ionization chamber CC13-S is intended for relative dosimetry of photon, electron, and proton beams in radiotherapy. Measurements can be performed in air, water phantoms, or solid phantoms. The CC13-S is a high spatial resolution, small volume chamber. It is waterproof, vented through a waterproof sleeve, and fully guarded. It is designed for axial or lateral beam incidence and for the use in RFA-300 and RFA-200 phantoms only, using the grounded input technology.
CC25 Ionization Chamber (QA in air and low dose in water measurements)
QA in air and low dose in water measurements
The ionization chamber CC25 is intended for absolute and relative dosimetry of photon, electron, and proton beams in radiotherapy. Measurements can be performed in air, water phantoms, or solid phantoms. The CC25 is a high spatial resolution, small volume chamber. It is waterproof, vented through a waterproof sleeve, and fully guarded.
Stealth Chamber (Perturbation Free “Beam Invisible” Reference Signal Chamber for Relative Dosimetry)
Perturbation Free “Beam Invisible” Reference Signal Chamber for Relative Dosimetry
- Use the Stealth Chamber™ with any existing water phantom
- Excellent reproducible reference signal quality, even for SRS/ SBRT fields
- Leverage continuous scanning efficiency without compromising measurement accuracy
- Mounted Stealth Chamber™ design does not require frequent repositioning (as previously required for every field size change using standard reference chambers)
- Avoid frequent walks into the Linac room and save 2 hours each commissioning day
- Ready to use without additional system upgrades or modifications
Key Benefits:
- Unique efficiency
- Universal Plug & Play
- SRS / SBRT commissioning accuracy & efficiency
Dedicated Stealth Chamber Holder for use with Varian® HalcyonTM
Special holder to attach the Stealth Chamber to the leveling frame of the SMARTSCAN Water Phantom, the Blue Phantom Compact, or the Blue Phantom 2
Use all benefits of the “beam invisible” Stealth Reference Chamber for commissioning and annual QA of the Varian® HalcyonTM system
Retractable bars allow adjustment of the Stealth Chamber Holder to ensure safe and stable attachment with the different IBA Dosimetry water phantom geometries
FC65-G / FC65-P Ionization Chambers (Standard reference chambers)
The Farmer type ionization chambers are intended for the absolute dosimetry of photon and electron beams at therapy level dose rates. Furthermore, these chambers are suitable for dosimetry in proton fields and for depth dose measurements and field profile analysis. When calibrated accordingly, these chambers can be used for measuring the quantities absorbed dose to water, absorbed dose to air, air kerma, or exposure in air, depending upon the type and quality of radiation and the relevant code of practice. FC65-G ionization chamber is intended for reference dosimetry and calibrations, while the FC65-P ionization chamber is intended for daily checks of treatment machines and for any other use in frequent routine application.
The chamber is designed preferably for the energy ranges of photons and electrons at medical accelerators. It can also be employed in X-ray beams with generating potentials from 70 kV and for gamma radiation of 137Cs and 60Co. The energy range of proton beams with available beam quality correction factors is between 50 and 250 MeV.
The FC65-G Farmer Chamber is compatible with MRI Linacs
FC23-C Ionization Chamber (High precision in measuring of isodose contours)
Farmer-type ionization chamber intended for absolute dosimetry
The FC23-C is a shortened Farmer-type ionization chamber intended for absolute dosimetry of photon and electron beams at therapy level dose rates. Furthermore, these chambers are suitable for dosimetry in proton fields and for depth dose measurements and field profile analysis. When calibrated accordingly, these chambers can be used for measuring the quantities absorbed dose to water, absorbed dose to air, air kerma, or exposure in air, depending upon the type and quality of radiation and the relevant code of practice.
The chamber is designed preferably for the energy ranges of photons and electrons at medical accelerators. It can also be employed in X-ray beams with generating potentials from 70 kV to 280 kV and for gamma radiation of 137Cs and 60Co. The energy range of proton beams with available chamber factors is between 50 and 250 MeV.
PPC05 Plane Parallel Chamber (For absolute and relative electron beam dosimetry)
PPC05 is designed for absolute and relative electron beam dosimetry above 2 MeV
The parallel plate ionization chamber PPC05 is designed for absolute and relative electron beam dosimetry above 2 MeV in the measuring quantity absorbed dose to water. It can be used for photon and proton absolute and relative dosimetry as well.
The construction materials are air equivalent conducting plastic Shonka C552 (housing, entry window and side walls) and highly insulating plastics PEEK and PPE. The collecting electrode material is graphitized PEEK. The chamber is constructed with a circular sensitive volume of planar geometry covered by a rigid 1 mm thick entry window. The small collecting volume with 0.6 mm plate spacing, 9.9 mm diameter and a 3.4-mm-wide guard ring enables excellent resolution in depth dose studies and requires a small perturbation correction. The chamber is waterproof and vented through a silicone sleeve.
PPC40 Plane Parallel Chamber (For absolute and relative electron beam dosimetry)
Designed for absolute and relative electron beam dosimetry
The parallel plate ionization chamber PPC40 is designed for absolute and relative electron beam dosimetry above 2 MeV in the measuring quantity absorbed dose to water. It can be used for proton beam absolute and relative dosimetry and for photon beam depth-dose measurements as well. The PPC40 is entirely made from PMMA; with graphitized electrodes. It is constructed with a circular sensitive volume of planar geometry covered by a rigid 1 mm thick entrance window. As an associated measuring instrument for precise absolute dose determinations, in reference dosimetry, compliance testing or installation and set-up of treatment machines or other equipment, it is recommended to use the reference-class therapy dosimeter Dose1. The PPC40 is waterproof and its cable is covered by a watertight silicon sleeve that allows for air ventilation.
NACP Plane Parallel Chamber (Guarantees high accuracy at low depths and low electron energies)
Designed according to recommendations of the Nordic Association of Clinical Physicists
The NACP is designed according to recommendations of the Nordic Association of Clinical Physicists (NACP), Acta Radiologica Oncology 19,55. The chamber is used for absolute dosimetry of electron beams 2-50 MeV. A thinner front wall minimizes contamination of the beam, allows measurements at shallow depths, and guarantees high accuracy even at low electron energies. It can be used for proton beam absolute and relative dosimetry and for photon beam depth-dose measurements as well.
The collecting electrode is manufactured of graphitized polystyrene. The NACP chamber cable is covered by a watertight silicon sleeve that allows for air ventilation.
LDA-99SC (1-Dimensional Multi-Detector Array)
1-Dimensional Multi-Detector Array
The LDA-99SC consists of 99 Hi-pSi diode detectors with just 5 mm spacing between the individual detectors. The LDA-99SC can be used in water phantom models Blue Phantom 2 for fast and accurate commissioning of dynamic and virtual wedges as well as acquisition of standard inplane, crossplane, and diagonal beam profiles.
- Linac commissioning
- Dynamic wedges
The LDA-99SC can also be used for in air QA applications.
The LDA-99SC is fully integrated into the myQA Accept software.
One dimensional multidetector array consisting of 99 Hi-pSi diode detectors with just 5 mm spacing between the individual detectors. The LDA-99SC can be used in water phantom models Blue Phantom 2 for fast and accurate commissioning of dynamic and virtual wedges as well as acquisition of standard inplane, crossplane and diagonal beam profiles. Furthermore, the LDA-99SC can also be used for in air QA applications. The LDA-99SC is fully integrated in the myQA Accept software (minimum version 7.1 required). Data transfer via Ethernet connection.
RAZOR Detector (High Performance Diode Detector for Small Field Dosimetry in RT)
High Performance Diode Detector
The RAZOR™ Detector is a diode detector for measurements of small fields and of ranges with high dose gradients, e. g. stereotactic fields.
Suitable for Relative Dosimetry of photon and electron fields in radiotherapy
- High Performance diode detector
- Diode detector designed for Relative Dosimetry
- For SRS / SBRT photon and electron beams
- Commission Accuracy & Efficiency