about company

Wide Product Range
In Nuclear Medicine

Epsilon Elektronik was established in 1993 to carry out sales, marketing and after-sales technical service activities in medical electronics. Epsilon Elektronik’s product range includes calibration and quality control radioisotopes and equipment, especially used in nuclear medicine. The company has enriched its service area with dosimetry systems, patient positioning and fixation systems used in radiation oncology. Thus, it can supply and sell all necessary devices and accessories in nuclear medicine and radiation oncology.

Epsilon Elektronik, breaking new ground in the field of nuclear medicine in our country, produced domestically produced dose calibrator, “thyroid uptake” device, well counter, Ge-68 calibration and reference sources.

Years of

Company Profile

Epsilon Elektronik started its research and development activities for reference and calibration sources used in nuclear medicine in 2008, and initially produced the reference and calibration sources for Siemens PET and PET/CT systems. As a result of local growth and increasing demand, Epsilon Elektronik’s production facility was moved to its new high-capacity location in 2012 in order to provide better service to local and international markets. In 2013, it continues its sales and marketing activities of nuclear medicine reference and calibration sources under its own brand ERS (Espilon Radioactive Sources) in order to strengthen its position in the global market. Following the establishment of the ERS Brand, our company took the first step towards expanding its product range by producing reference and calibration sources for GE PET & PET/CT systems. In 2014, Philips PET & PET/CT reference sources, Co-57 Planar Sources, Dose Calibrator Reference Sources, Point Sources and Well Counter sources were produced and added to the ERS product range, respectively. ERS exports high quality radioactive sources to Europe, Middle East, Africa and Far East countries through its expert and experienced dealer network and expands its foreign sales network with new collaborations.

The main companies that it distributes; It can be listed as DDD, Capintec, First Sensor, Amray, Mol-image, D-Spectrum, Digirad in Nuclear Medicine and IBA, WFR-Qfix, Macromedics, Xoft, A2J, LapLaser, CIRS in Radiation Oncology.

The company, which has expert staff, provides turnkey nuclear medicine center projects, maintenance and service services for MIE Gamma cameras established throughout Turkey, disassembly, transportation and assembly works of Gamma cameras, Gamma camera calibrations, Gamma camera, PET and PET-CT NEMA, reference and acceptance testing, annual calibration and testing for dose calibrators.

Epsilon Elektronik also carries out the turnkey projects of department lead, Iodine Treatment Units and Waste Tank Systems needed by Nuclear Medicine departments, and the production of lead shields required for generators and iodine solutions used in departments.

Epsilon Elektronik has ISO 13485:2016 and ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System certificates.

Our Quality Policy

Our company, which aims to meet changing customer demands with customer-oriented activities and to continuously develop and maintain the effectiveness of the system, aims to;

-To communicate effectively by understanding the needs and expectations of customers, employees, and related parties,

-To ensure that it is reliable in the markets in it is located,

-By using its corporate knowledge, with our trained, competent, and expert personnel, we can meet the customer needs in public and private institutions; by responding safely, cost-effectively, in accordance with standards, on time, and in the desired way; to maximize customer satisfaction,

-To keep customer satisfaction at the highest level by evaluating customer suggestions and complaints effectively and to ensure its continuity,

-To establish open communication at all levels and to all extents,

-To ensure everyone’s participation in our continuous development by providing awareness to our employees who are leaders in their fields with high motivation and determination of success, to organize the necessary training systematically and continuously improve the educational content (Continuous Improvement),

-To attach importance to regulatory, reformatory, and preventive activities by considering all kinds of risks and opportunities with a proactive approach in order to maintain the effectiveness of the Quality Management System,

-To fulfill the legal and legislative requirements in a complete manner,

-To analyze the risks and opportunities in determining the targets, to determine the strategy by considering the environmental factors, the policies of the country, and the principles of occupational safety.

-To include all employees in the system by providing the necessary framework (possibility) for maintaining the Quality Management System 

are our quality policy.

Our Mission

                         To contribute to public health by providing reliable, sustainable, quality, and innovative solutions focused on production in medical and industrial fields. In addition, it is to increase the awareness and reliability of Turkey in the international arena in terms of production and quality.

Our Vision

     To be the sector leader in international markets with the Epsilon brand and to fulfill the demands of our customers in the most perfect way                         without sacrificing quality.